
Ask Questions on YouTube and Twitter Spaces with Ease

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More About Alphy

Alphy is an AI-assistant to search, learn, and interact with audiovisual content. Search multiple audio files like searching on Google, read the summaries of videos and discussions like a Substack post, and ask further questions like ChatGPT.

Alphy Features:

Upon submitting a link or uploading a recording, Alphy creates the following:

  • Question-answering: Ask questions to YouTube videos and Twitter Spaces and get AI-generated answers based on the content
  • Detailed summaries: Read detailed summaries of discussions with key takeaways
  • Accurate transcript: Get an accurate transcript of the content

Then you can combine these content just like a playlist and create your AI-assisted search engine (Alphy calls it Arc) that will answer your questions based on the corpus of content you have curated.

Use cases for Alphy involve various online media-related activities:

  • Research: Quickly gather information and insights from YouTube videos and Twitter Spaces
  • Education: Enhance learning by getting accurate transcripts and summaries of online discussions
  • Marketing: Analyze online conversations and gather insights to improve marketing strategies
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