ChatGPT generated summaries by chapter or overall samples

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More About is an innovative tool designed to help users digest lectures, podcasts, and other audio content quickly and efficiently. With the power of ChatGPT, the tool generates chapter-wise or overall summaries, enabling users to grasp the key points and main ideas of the content.

Key Features:

  • ChatGPT Summaries: Utilize ChatGPT to generate chapter-wise or overall summaries for lectures, podcasts, and audio content.
  • Customizable Prompt Templates: Tailor the summarization process to fit your own learning style and preferences.
  • Chapter Sampling: Summarize chapters by sampling in equal parts to capture the key points and main ideas.
  • Minimum Duration Setting: Adjust the minimum duration to hide short chapters that may not require detailed summaries.
  • Export Functionality: Export chapter summaries to popular platforms like Google Drive, Notion, or Markdown for easy organization and access.

Use Cases:

  • Efficient Learning: Digest lectures, podcasts, and audio content more quickly and efficiently.
  • Customized Summaries: Tailor the summarization process to match your learning style and desired level of detail.
  • Comprehensive Overviews: Generate chapter-wise summaries that capture the key points and main ideas of each section.
  • Organized Study Material: Export summaries to popular platforms for easy organization and access during studying or reviewing. is a valuable tool for individuals seeking to digest audio content more efficiently.

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