Wraith Docs

Google Docs automated writing.

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Wraith Docs

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More About Wraith Docs

Wraith Docs is an AI-powered Google Docs assistant that offers a suite of AI tools to enhance document creation and editing. With the help of these AI tools, users can significantly accelerate their document-related tasks, making the process up to 10 times faster and more efficient.

Key Features:

  • Paraphrasing, Expansion, and Simplification: AI-powered tools to enhance text clarity and readability.
  • Keyword Optimization: Helps users optimize their document’s SEO by suggesting relevant keywords.
  • Text Addition and Flexible Prompt Input: Allows users to add text and provide specific prompts to guide the AI.

Use Cases:

  • Writers, content creators, and students who want to improve the quality and efficiency of their document creation and editing process.
  • Professionals looking to optimize their documents for search engines and improve their online visibility.
  • Individuals who frequently work with Google Docs and want to enhance their productivity using AI-powered tools.

Wraith Docs, an AI-powered Google Docs assistant, empowers users to create and edit documents faster and more effectively.

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