
Automate writing with AI & save 40% of your time.

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More About Compose

Compose AI is a free Chrome extension that automates writing using AI technology. Key features and advantages include:

  • Time-saving: Reduces typing time by 40%, allowing users to focus on more important tasks
  • AI-powered features: Autocompletion, text generation, sentence rephrasing, and AI-inspired editing
  • Personalized suggestions: Adapts to users’ writing styles for tailored assistance
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with existing platforms and tools
  • Free forever: Offers a premium version for access to advanced features

Use cases for Compose AI are ideal for various individuals:

  • Writers and content creators looking to streamline their writing process
  • Professionals seeking to improve email communication with AI-generated content
  • Students aiming to enhance their writing skills with personalized suggestions
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