Lang Game

Lang Game is an AI-generated conversation card game that offers a fun and engaging experience for friends and family.

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Lang Game

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More About Lang Game

Lang Game is an innovative AI-generated conversation card game designed to bring friends and family together for meaningful and engaging conversations. With its unique swiping mechanism, users can select cards from various categories to create their personalized deck.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Generated Content: Offers a wide range of conversation topics and starters generated by AI.
  2. Categories for Diverse Discussions: Includes categories like Ice Breaker, Philosophy, Deep Talk, Education, Self Exploration, Relationship, Entrepreneurship, Science, and Startup.
  3. Personalized Deck Creation: Users can select cards from different categories to create their customized deck.
  4. Pre-Order with Starter Set: Available for pre-order at an affordable price of $25, including a set of 20 cards.
  5. Customizable Questions: Users can add their own questions to the deck for a more personalized experience.

Use Cases:

  • Family gatherings and game nights.
  • Social events with friends.
  • Parties and casual hangouts.
  • Educational settings for discussions and debates.
  • Team-building activities in professional settings.
  • Ice-breaking sessions in various social and professional environments.

Experience the joy of engaging and meaningful conversations with Lang Game. Pre-order your set today and get ready to explore new topics, connect on a deeper level, and create lasting memories with friends and family.

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