
Assisted color palette generator.

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More About Smudge

Smudge is a developer colour palette app with built-in AI assistance, available on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It helps users choose, convert, organize, and share commonly used colours in projects.

Key Features:

  • Colour selection and conversion: Choose colours using the colour picker or by entering values and convert them to HEX, RGB, and Swift codes.
  • Colour organization: Group colours into palettes, name them, and add notes for easy management and reference.
  • Collaboration and sharing: Share palettes with team members, set permissions, and collaborate effectively on colour selection.
  • Image-based colour selection: Select colours directly from images for accurate colour matching.
  • AI colour extraction: Generate palettes based on objects, scenes, or other elements using AI-powered colour extraction.

Use Cases:

• Web and app development: Streamline the process of choosing and organizing colours for websites and applications.

• Graphic design: Easily manage and share colour palettes for graphic design projects.

• Collaborative design teams: Enable seamless collaboration and coordination of colours among team members.

Whether you’re a developer, designer, or part of a design team, Smudge offers a user-friendly and efficient solution for working with colours.

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