
Spectre is a shutter for iPhones, specifically designed to take stunning long exposure images

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More About Spectre

Spectre is an innovative and AI-powered shutter app specifically designed for iPhone users, offering a seamless and delightful photography experience. With its powerful features and cutting-edge technologies, Spectre takes long exposure photography to a whole new level, allowing users to capture breathtaking images.

Key Features:

  1. AI-powered Long Exposures: Utilizes AI to capture stunning long exposure shots.
  2. Machine Learning-based Scene Detection: Automatically detects scenes for optimal settings.
  3. Computer Vision Aided Image Stabilization: Ensures sharp and stable long exposures.
  4. Dark UI for Low-light Shooting: Gentle on the eyes when shooting at night.
  5. Advanced Features: DCI-P3 Wide Color Gamut, Live Photos, HEIC Capture, Metal Graphics Acceleration, Tripod Detection, and Auto-Stabilize.


  • Exceptional Long Exposures: Allows users to capture stunning long exposure shots effortlessly.
  • Optimized Settings: Automatically detects scenes for ideal camera settings.
  • Stability and Clarity: Employs image stabilization for sharp and stable long exposures.
  • Pleasant Low-light Experience: Dark UI for comfortable shooting in low-light conditions.
  • Professional Photography Results: Provides advanced features and technologies for outstanding photos.

Spectre is the ultimate AI-powered camera app for iPhone users seeking to create exceptional long exposures with ease. Its impressive range of features and cutting-edge technologies make it a valuable addition to any photographer’s toolkit. Don’t miss the limited-time sale opportunity, and discover the joy of capturing breathtaking images with Spectre from the App Store.

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