
AI Workspace for visual creators

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More About Phygital+

Phygital+ is a node-based AI tool designed for creators to work with neural networks without writing code. Key features and advantages include:

  • Visual interface: Utilize a node system to create and manipulate neural networks easily
  • Intuitive workflow: Build and modify neural networks without prior coding knowledge
  • Optimization tools: Automated processes, such as hyperparameter optimization, for refining neural networks
  • Visualization tools: Better understand the inner workings of neural networks

Use cases for Phygital+ cater to various creators:

  • Designers and artists looking to experiment with neural networks in their projects
  • Researchers seeking a visual tool for building and optimizing neural networks
  • Educators teaching neural networks and requiring an accessible platform for students

Despite being in Alpha development, Phygital+ offers a powerful and user-friendly solution for working with neural networks without coding expertise.

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