
VS Code Extension that writes and edits your code with help of AI

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More About Kamara

Kamara is a VS Code extension that uses GPT-4 technology to translate user-provided instructions into code snippets for TypeScript.

Key Features:

  • Efficient code writing: Kamara automates some parts of the coding process, allowing developers to write and edit code more efficiently.
  • Credit-based pricing: Pay for how much code is read and written by Kamara with a pricing system of $10 for every 200k credits.
  • User-friendly: Kamara is a VS Code extension and can be accessed within the IDE for a seamless experience.

Use Cases:

  • Streamline the coding process and increase productivity.
  • Automate parts of the coding process to save time and improve accuracy.
  • Translate user-provided instructions into code snippets for TypeScript for a more efficient coding experience.
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