
Supercharge your slides with Plus AI

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More About Plusdocs

Supercharge your presentations with Plus AI, our AI-powered Google Slides add-on. With this powerful tool, you can quickly scaffold presentations and effortlessly keep them updated with self-updating Snapshots of your most important data.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered Google Slides add-on: Enhance your presentations with the power of AI.
  • Self-updating Snapshots: Capture screenshots that dynamically update with real-time data.
  • Versatile use: Embed Snapshots in Google Slides, Notion docs, Slack, or any other platform.
  • Chrome extension: Install our Chrome extension for easy Snapshot capture.

Use Cases:

• Create engaging presentations by easily adding dynamic, self-updating Snapshots.

• Keep your presentations up to date with real-time data without manual updates.

• Share Snapshots across various platforms for real-time information embedding.

Plus AI revolutionizes presentations by providing an AI-powered Google Slides add-on that incorporates self-updating Snapshots.

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