
Kreado AI is a video creation tool that uses AI to create multilingual oral videos of real or virtual characters. Key features and advantage

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More About KreadoAI

Kreado AI is a video creation tool that uses AI to create multilingual oral videos of real or virtual characters. Key features and advantages include:

  • Multilingual AI: The tool allows you to create videos in 140 different languages.
  • Real-life models/virtual characters: You can choose to use real-life models or virtual characters to create your videos.
  • Converged Oral Broadcasting Video Creation: The tool offers custom AI-generated avatars and multilingual oral video creation.
  • Keyword-based image generation: You can enter descriptive keywords, and the system will help you generate the avatar image you want.

Use cases for Kreado AI involve various video creation activities, including:

  • Creating multilingual videos for businesses and individuals.
  • Providing AI-powered video creation for creators.
  • Generating custom avatars and oral videos for marketing and promotions.

With Kreado AI, you can create professional videos in multiple languages with ease.

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