
Jurny, an AI-powered Property Management System, enhancing the management of short-term rentals and optimizing guest experiences.

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More About Jurny

Jurny stands as a cutting-edge Property Management System (PMS) driven by artificial intelligence and automation, revolutionizing the short-term rental industry. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools for property management through an all-in-one dashboard, simplifying rental management and elevating guest experiences.

Key Features:

  1. AI Virtual Assistant Nia: Harness the power of AI to automate guest communication, manage reviews, and streamline content creation.
  2. Mobile Guest App: Offers guests complete control over their stay with features such as smart locks and thermostats for an enhanced experience.
  3. IoT Hub: Seamlessly integrate with third-party providers, further diversifying the platform’s capabilities.
  4. Customizable Pricing Plans: Choose from a range of plans tailored to your needs. The free basic plan provides access to Jurny’s PMS, Airbnb Connect, the guest mobile app, and the AI assistant, Nia.
  5. Advanced Features: Access additional functionalities like channel management, website booking engine, review tracking, dynamic pricing, and cleaning management with the Plus and Pro plans.

Use Cases:

  • Efficiently manage multiple properties using the comprehensive owner’s dashboard.
  • Enhance guest communication and handle reviews efficiently with the advanced AI assistant, Nia.
  • Provide guests with a controlled and customizable experience through the mobile guest app.

Overall, Jurny is a robust and user-friendly solution that streamlines the management of short-term rentals. Its focus on AI and automation technology significantly reduces the time spent on researching and integrating different providers, making it an indispensable tool for short-term rental owners.

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