
Create Custom ChatGPT chatbots, trained from any website.

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More About Supportal

Suportal is an AI-powered customer support tool that enables businesses to provide automated customer service on their websites. Key features and advantages include:

  • Chatbot support: Suportal chatbot can help users find answers to their questions without the need for human intervention, saving hours of customer support time.
  • No training required: Suportal requires no training, as it can quickly learn about a business’s products and services by fetching and scanning every link from their website.
  • Customizable: Users can select the support documentation links they want to train the bot with.
  • Enterprise solution: Suportal offers a custom solution for enterprise businesses.

Use cases for Suportal involve improving user engagement and satisfaction while significantly reducing response times:

  • Automate the customer support process to streamline operations.
  • Provide high-quality AI-powered support for customers.
  • Improve overall user engagement and satisfaction.

Suportal’s integration with ChatGPT provides assurance of high-quality AI-powered support for the business’s customers.

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