
Easy and direct access to ChatGPT right from your menu bar, eliminating the need to navigate to a separate application or webpage.

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More About Gpt-tab

Streamline your ChatGPT experience with GPT-Tab, the AI tool that brings ChatGPT to your menu bar. This handy tool ensures you can harness the power of ChatGPT without the hassle of navigating to a separate application or webpage.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Draggable Window: Move the ChatGPT interface around your screen as you like, enhancing your workflow with flexibility and adaptability.
  2. Always on Top: Keep ChatGPT at the forefront of your workspace, so you can interact with it while using other applications.
  3. Easy Access: GPT-Tab is a free download, making ChatGPT’s capabilities accessible to a wide range of users.
  4. ProductHunt Presence: Share your thoughts and experiences by leaving a review and providing feedback on GPT-Tab’s ProductHunt page.

User Benefits:

  • Efficient Access: Seamlessly use ChatGPT’s capabilities from your menu bar for a smoother workflow.
  • Flexible Interface: Enjoy the convenience of a draggable ChatGPT window that adapts to your preferences.
  • Multi-Tasking: Keep ChatGPT ‘always on top’ while using other applications for enhanced productivity.
  • Accessible: GPT-Tab is free to download, ensuring accessibility to a broad user base.
  • Share Feedback: Join the ChatGPT community by leaving reviews and feedback on GPT-Tab’s ProductHunt page.


GPT-Tab simplifies ChatGPT access, placing its powerful capabilities at your fingertips from the menu bar. With a draggable window, ‘always on top’ functionality, and free download, GPT-Tab enhances your ChatGPT experience. Interact with ChatGPT efficiently while customizing your workflow to meet your needs. Join the ChatGPT community and share your feedback on GPT-Tab’s ProductHunt page.

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