
AI-powered video conferencing tool

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More About Relayed

Relayed is an AI-powered video conferencing tool designed to help teams conquer remote work, busy schedules and meeting fatigue. Key features and advantages include:

  • Flexible video conferencing: Easily schedule and join video meetings with teammates from anywhere
  • Asynchronous conversations: Have conversations and leave messages for teammates even when they’re offline
  • Automatic summaries: Get summaries of meetings and conversations automatically generated by AI
  • Easy sharing with a secret link and restricted access: Share conversations and recordings with anyone, anywhere, with secure links and access controls
  • Unified communication with the ability to revisit and share conversations later: Keep all your conversations and meetings in one place for easy access and sharing

Use cases for Relayed involve various team collaboration and communication activities:

  • Conquer remote work and busy schedules with flexible video conferencing and asynchronous conversations
  • Reduce meeting fatigue with automatic summaries and easy sharing with a secret link and restricted access
  • Improve team communication and collaboration with unified communication and the ability to revisit and share conversations later

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