
Glarity, a free browser extension that summarizes info in search results

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More About Glarity

Glarity is an open-source browser extension that displays a summary of ChatGPT in Google search results and on YouTube.

Key Features:

  • Free to use: Glarity is free to use, and no ChatGPT/OpenAI account is required.
  • Supports multiple websites: It supports a range of websites, including Yahoo!, PubMed, PMC, NewsPicks, Github, Nikkei, Bing, and Google Patents.
  • Time-saving: Glarity saves time by providing a summary of ChatGPT in search results, allowing users to quickly identify relevant information.
  • Improves search results: By providing a summary of ChatGPT, Glarity improves the quality of search results, making it easier for users to find what they are looking for.
  • Useful for research: Glarity is useful for researchers who need to quickly identify relevant information from search results.
  • Enhances learning: Glarity enhances learning by providing a summary of ChatGPT in YouTube videos, making it easier for users to understand the content.

Use Cases:

  • Quickly identifying relevant information in search results.
  • Improving the quality of search results.
  • Research.
  • Learning and understanding content in YouTube videos.
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