Silly Robot Cards

Customized greeting card design with unique touch.

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Silly Robot Cards

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More About Silly Robot Cards

Silly Robot Cards is an AI-powered tool that allows users to create personalized greeting cards using their own photos. The tool offers a variety of unique designs generated by AI, and users can customize the inside of the card with their own messages. The cards are printed on sustainably sourced paper or wood with water-based inks, and shipping options are available both domestically and internationally.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Generated Designs: Offers over 80 unique card designs generated by AI.
  2. Personalized Photos and Messages: Allows users to upload their own photos and customize the inside of the card with personal messages.
  3. Sustainable Materials: Prints cards on sustainably sourced paper or wood with water-based inks.
  4. Shipping Options: Provides domestic and international shipping options for sending personalized cards.
  5. Privacy and Security: Deletes uploaded pictures within 30 days to protect user data.

Use Cases:

  • Individuals looking to create personalized greeting cards using their own photos.
  • People who want unique and AI-generated card designs for special occasions.
  • Those seeking sustainable options for greeting cards with eco-friendly materials.
  • Users who prefer customizable cards with the ability to add personal messages.
  • Anyone wanting to send personalized cards to loved ones both domestically and internationally.

Silly Robot Cards is an AI-powered tool that empowers users to create personalized greeting cards with their own photos.

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