10 Jobs that will be Dead Soon Because of artificial intelligence (AI)


As the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) continue to shape our world, it is crucial to understand the impact it will have on job markets. The employment landscape is on the brink of a significant shift, as AI technologies revolutionize industries and automate tasks that were once performed by humans.

Exploring the Advancements in Artificial Intelligence

Brief history of AI and its rapid growth

Artificial intelligence has come a long way since its inception. Initially a concept explored in science fiction, AI has rapidly evolved into a practical and powerful tool. From the invention of the first programmable computer in the 1940s to the development of sophisticated AI systems today, the journey has been remarkable.

1. Driverless Vehicles Revolution

The advent of autonomous vehicles poses a considerable threat to traditional taxi drivers. The once-dependable profession is now at risk of obsolescence as driverless vehicles become more widespread. Furthermore, delivery drivers find themselves facing similar challenges as autonomous vehicles take over the task of transporting goods.

2. Automated Customer Support

The rise of chatbots signals a significant transformation in the customer support industry. These AI-powered virtual assistants are gradually replacing human agents in call centers, leading to the downfall of customer service representatives. While chatbots offer convenience and round-the-clock availability, they lack the empathy and nuanced understanding that human interaction provides.

3. Manufacturing Automation

In the manufacturing sector, robotic systems are increasingly replacing human workers on assembly lines. The demand for manual labor is fading as machines take over repetitive tasks. This automation-shift impacts assembly line workers, as their roles are slowly rendered unnecessary.

4. Data Entry and Analysis

Automation has brought about notable changes in the field of data entry and analysis. Data entry clerks, once responsible for laboriously entering data, now face challenges as automated systems take over this repetitive task. Similarly, certain data analysts find themselves displaced by AI-powered analytics tools that can perform complex data analysis and generate insights.

4. Retail Store Cashiers

Self-checkout systems have revolutionized the retail industry, reducing the need for traditional cashiers. Frictionless shopping experiences, powered by AI technologies, enable customers to scan, pay, and exit without the need for human intervention. This trend poses a significant threat to the role of retail store cashiers.

5. Stock Traders and Financial Analysts

AI algorithms are increasingly taking over stock trading operations, outperforming traditional stock traders and financial analysts. The efficiency and accuracy of AI-driven trading systems pose a challenge to human professionals in the financial industry. As AI algorithms continue to advance, the demand for traditional financial professionals faces an inevitable decline.

6. Logistics and Warehouse Workers

Intelligent robots are disrupting the logistics industry by automating various tasks, from inventory management to order fulfillment. As these robots become more sophisticated, the need for human logistics and warehouse workers progressively diminishes. Jobs in the logistics sector are being replaced by efficient and reliable AI-powered systems.

7. Accountants and Bookkeepers

The introduction of AI-enabled software has significantly streamlined financial processes and poses a threat to the roles of accountants and bookkeepers. Automation streamlines tasks such as data entry, reconciliation, and financial analysis, reducing the need for manual intervention. As AI continues to evolve, the demand for traditional accounting and bookkeeping roles is expected to decline further.

8. Radiologists and Medical Diagnosticians

AI-assisted diagnosis and detection systems are transforming healthcare by revolutionizing the field of radiology. These AI-powered systems can analyze medical images and assist radiologists and diagnosticians in making accurate and timely diagnoses. The role of radiologists is undergoing significant transformation, with AI systems becoming an integral part of the diagnostic process.

9. Journalists and Content Writers

Automated journalism is gaining traction, providing instantaneous news articles generated by AI systems. While AI-generated content offers efficiency and speed, it raises important questions about the evolving role of human writers. Human writers will need to adapt and evolve, focusing on creating unique, thought-provoking, and emotionally engaging content that AI cannot replicate.

Toll Booth Operators:

Traditionally, toll booth operators have played a crucial role in collecting fees and ensuring smooth traffic flow. However, with the advancement of technologies such as electronic toll collection (ETC) and license plate recognition (LPR), AI is automating these processes. ETC systems allow drivers to pass through toll booths without stopping, while LPR technology accurately captures and processes license plate information. This automation not only increases efficiency but also eliminates the need for human operators, making toll booth operator jobs increasingly obsolete.

Shifting Paradigms: The Evolving Job Market

To adapt to the technological advancements brought forth by AI, individuals need to embrace reskilling and upskilling opportunities. It is essential to acquire knowledge and expertise in AI-related fields to remain employable in an AI-driven world. Additionally, the emergence of new job opportunities in AI-related fields presents avenues for those willing to adapt and learn.


In conclusion, the rise of AI technology is inevitably reshaping job markets. Several job roles are at risk of extinction due to automation and the increasing capabilities of AI systems. The need for reskilling and embracing emerging technologies becomes essential to thrive in this evolving landscape. While the impact of AI on jobs is undeniable, it is crucial to find a balance between human capabilities and the efficiency of AI systems.


  1. Will AI completely replace jobs?
  • While AI will eliminate certain job roles, it also creates new opportunities. The key is to adapt and acquire skills that complement AI technologies.
  1. What measures can individuals take to remain employable in an AI-driven world?
  • Embracing lifelong learning, acquiring AI-related skills, and focusing on tasks that require emotional intelligence, creativity, and critical thinking can help individuals remain employable.
  1. Are there any sectors or jobs that are safe from AI disruption?
  • While no job is entirely safe from AI disruption, roles that require human interaction, emotional intelligence, and nuanced decision-making are less likely to be fully replaced by AI.
  1. How can businesses transition their workforce in the face of AI expansion?
  • Businesses should invest in reskilling and upskilling their employees, provide training programs in AI-related fields, foster a culture of adaptability, and identify new job roles that emerge alongside AI technologies.
  1. What are the potential long-term consequences of widespread job displacement due to AI?
  • Widespread job displacement can lead to societal and economic challenges, such as income inequality and job polarization. It is essential to address these consequences proactively through education, social policies, and job creation initiatives.
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