
AI Content Platform For Podcasts, Meetings, and More

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More About Castmagic

Castmagic is an AI-powered tool designed to turn long form audio into evergreen content assets.

Key features and advantages include:

  • Automated content creation: Converts audio into transcriptions, show notes, summaries, highlights, quotes, and social posts
  • Customizability: Fine tune your prompts to create any content asset, with the tone and format to match your needs.
  • Integration: Compatible with tools like Slack and Zoom for seamless workflow
  • User-friendly: No coding required and available on multiple platforms, including macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS and various browsers

Use Cases:

Podcasters & Youtubers looking save time repurposing their content.
Coaches looking to automate their session content & followups.
Professionals looking to automate meeting notes & social content.

Overall Castmagic offers a time-saving and user-friendly solution for content creators to create higher-quality content tailored to their needs.

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