
Redefine your transcription process with Deepgram

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More About Deepgram

Deepgram offers advanced AI-based speech-to-text and speech understanding solutions. The platform’s core products include:

  • Language AI Models: AI-powered language models that offer unparalleled accuracy and speed.
  • Speech-to-Text: Converts speech into text with unmatched accuracy, speed, and cost.
  • Speech Understanding: Summarizes any audio or video content.

Key Features:

  • Unmatched Performance: Deepgram’s Nova model offers 22% lower word error rate (WER), 23x faster inference time, and 3-7x lower price compared to competitors.
  • Whisper APIs: These are faster, more reliable, and cheaper than OpenAI’s, including built-in diarization, word-level timestamps, and an 80x higher file size limit.
  • Custom Models: Custom trained speech models that can significantly boost accuracy, especially on unique customer jargon.

Use Cases:

  • Speech Analytics: Analyze and understand speech data for valuable insights.
  • Media Transcription: Transcribe audio and video content quickly and accurately.
  • Conversational AI: Enhance AI chatbots and virtual assistants with speech recognition.
  • Contact Centers: Improve customer service with accurate transcription and speech analytics.


Deepgram is trusted by top Enterprises, Startups, & Researchers with an overall positive review from 154 users.

Additional Resources:

Deepgram provides resources such as case studies, white papers, reports, and a community forum for developers. They also offer documentation, tutorials, and an ASR comparison tool.

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