Amazon Comprehend

Uncover information in unstructured data and text within documents.

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Amazon Comprehend

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More About Amazon Comprehend

Amazon Comprehend is a natural-language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to uncover valuable insights and connections in text.

Key Features

  • Uncover valuable insights from text in documents, customer support tickets, product reviews, emails, social media feeds, etc.
  • Simplify document processing workflows by extracting text, key phrases, topics, sentiment, and more from documents such as insurance claims.
  • Differentiate your business by training a model to classify documents and identify terms, with no machine learning experience required.
  • Protect and control who has access to your sensitive data by identifying and redacting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from documents.

Use Cases

  • Mine business and call center analytics: Detect customer sentiment and analyze customer interactions and automatically categorize inbound support requests. Extract insights from customer surveys to improve your products.
  • Index and search product reviews: Focus on context by equipping your search engine to index key phrases, entities, and sentiment, not just keywords.
  • Legal briefs management: Automate the extraction of insights from packets of legal briefs such as contracts and court records. Further secure your documents by identifying and redacting Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
  • Process financial documents: Classify and extract entities from financial services documents such as insurance claims or mortgage packages or find relationships between financial events in a financial article.
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