
AI translates and prepares SEO elements according your needs.

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More About SEOlligence

SEOlligence is a service that localizes products for the top EU markets using AI-powered translation and SEO optimization.


  • Product Title & Subtitle: They optimize product titles and subtitles to attract the target audience and drive more clicks.
  • Keywords: They use targeted keywords to drive organic traffic and improve search rankings.
  • Product Small Description: They provide detailed product descriptions that improve SEO rankings and drive higher conversions.
  • Product Features: They showcase key product attributes, benefits, and functionalities.
  • Product Description: They use AI techniques to translate product descriptions and ensure SEO compliance.
  • FAQ Schema: They structure and optimize frequently asked questions to enhance the website’s credibility and user experience.
  • Meta Title & Description: They optimize Meta titles and descriptions to boost SEO rankings, clicks, and user engagement.

How It Works:

  1. Export the product data from your e-commerce platform.
  2. SEOlligence generates unique content for the chosen services and languages.
  3. Import the results back to your e-commerce platform. The product page is now translated, optimized, and SEO-ready.

Use Cases:

  • SEOlligence is compatible with all e-commerce platforms and is particularly useful for businesses looking to expand their reach in EU markets.
  • It is also beneficial for software providers and agencies who can join their Affiliate Program and offer AI-powered solutions to their clients.
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