
Lightweight package that simplifies calling OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, and Anthropic API endpoints

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More About BerriAI-litellm

BerriAI-litellm is designed to make your life easier when working with OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, and Anthropic APIs. Say goodbye to managing complex code and handling multiple API calls individually. This lightweight 100-line package streamlines the process, so you can focus on what matters most.

Guaranteed Consistent Output: With BerriAI-litellm, you can always expect consistent output. Text responses will be readily available at [‘choices’][0][‘message’][‘content’], ensuring easy and reliable retrieval of completed responses from the APIs.

Why Did We Build This?

  • Need for Simplicity: As our codebase grew, managing and translating calls between multiple APIs became increasingly complex. BerriAI-litellm was born to bring simplicity back to the process, offering a straightforward solution.

Key Features:

  1. Lightweight Package: BerriAI-litellm is a compact 100-line package, ensuring simplicity and ease of use.
  2. API Endpoint Management: Manage calls to OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, and Anthropic APIs seamlessly.
  3. Consistent Output: Retrieve text responses effortlessly from the APIs at [‘choices’][0][‘message’][‘content’].

Get in Touch: For any questions, inquiries, or support, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]. We are here to assist you in making the most of BerriAI-litellm.

Say goodbye to the complexities of managing API calls and embrace the simplicity of BerriAI-litellm. Experience smoother integration with OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, and Anthropic APIs with this lightweight and efficient package. Get started today and streamline your API workflow with BerriAI-litellm.

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