
Hexometer is a sidekick that works tirelessly to protect and enhance eCommerce businesses.

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More About Hexometer

Hexometer is an innovative AI-powered platform that serves as a 24/7 sidekick to safeguard and optimize eCommerce businesses. With its comprehensive monitoring capabilities, Hexometer continuously watches over websites and critical services, ensuring peak performance and user experience.

Key Features:

  1. Comprehensive Monitoring: Hexometer continuously monitors websites and critical services for uptime, performance, user experience, health, SEO, and security.
  2. Real-Time Notifications: Users receive instant notifications via email, SMS, Slack, Telegram, or Trello when issues are detected.
  3. Cloud-Based Operation: Hexometer operates in the cloud, requiring no software installation or coding changes.
  4. Agency-Friendly Features: Hexometer supports agencies with multi-client dashboards, scalability, and white-labeling for SEO and performance audits.
  5. Standard and Advanced Monitors: Standard monitors cover uptime and HTTP response time, while advanced monitors include keyword, page speed performance, and transaction monitoring.
  6. UX and Performance Monitoring: Hexometer offers UX monitoring for spelling, grammar, visual bugs, and mobile-friendliness, and performance monitoring for page load speed insights.
  7. Health Monitoring: Health monitoring checks for broken links, server errors, JS errors, missing images, and more.

Use Cases:

  • eCommerce Businesses: Hexometer is an essential tool for eCommerce businesses seeking continuous monitoring, optimization, and protection to ensure enhanced uptime, improved user experience, and better SEO performance.
  • Agencies: Hexometer supports agencies in managing multiple clients with its multi-client dashboards, scalability, and white-labeling options, making it a valuable asset for serving eCommerce clients effectively.
  • Online Retailers and Marketplaces: Hexometer helps online retailers and marketplaces maintain a seamless online shopping experience, monitor website performance, and optimize SEO for increased visibility and sales.

Hexometer, the AI-powered sidekick for eCommerce businesses, is a trusted and powerful platform that ensures websites run smoothly and efficiently. By covering a wide range of monitoring aspects, providing real-time notifications, and offering agency-friendly features, Hexometer offers a comprehensive solution for eCommerce success. With its cloud-based operation and versatile compatibility, Hexometer is the go-to tool for more than 20,000 businesses worldwide.

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