
Create A Custom Landing Page For Your App in 60 seconds

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More About 60sec.site

Create a custom landing page for your SaaS, Product, or Shopify app in 60 seconds with this easy-to-use landing page generator.

  • All Content in its Place: With AI help they write all the content for your page based on your idea and features
  • SEO Ready: The site will be optimized for SEO and speed
  • With Analytics: Basic analytics are already set up and available out of the box
  • CTA of your choice: Collect emails to get your first users, even if you only have an idea. Or make the main action a button that links to any site.
  • Domain included: They will publish the site on the subdomain 60sec.site. Or you can host it on a custom domain of your choice.
  • A beautiful site out of the box: There are several themes ready-made. You can also choose your own color palette.
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