A.V. Mapping

AI Recommends Video’s Music with License. Benefits to musicians

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A.V. Mapping

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More About A.V. Mapping

A.V. Mapping is an AI-powered video and music mapping and licensing platform that significantly accelerates the filmmaking process. Key features and advantages include:

  • AI-driven music selection: Patented AI algorithm analyzes various aspects of video and music content to recommend suitable music for videos
  • One-stop solution: Streamlines music searching, mapping, and licensing for filmmakers
  • Customization and tools: Offers custom film music creation, sound editing, and various AI tools for video, text, and music analysis

Use cases for A.V. Mapping span a range of filmmaking activities:

  • Save time and costs in music selection and licensing for filmmakers
  • Enhance video editing with AI-driven analysis and recommendations
  • Create custom film music and soundscapes for unique projects

Praised for its convenience and efficiency, A.V. Mapping is a winner of the 2020 Red Dot award and has been commended by various industry professionals.

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