AI Palette

Streamlining Color Palette Creation in Figma

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AI Palette

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More About AI Palette

AI Palette, a Figma plugin, revolutionizes the color palette creation process, making it efficient and innovative for designers. Explore the features and benefits that set AI Palette apart:

Key Features:

  • AI-Driven Color Generation: Quickly generate diverse color palettes using AI technology.
  • Generate Button: Detects the current color palette and suggests new palettes with a simple click.
  • Apply Button: Easily apply the generated color palette to the design, instantly updating the artboard.
  • Chat GPT AI Model: Allows designers to input text to generate unique color palettes.
  • Color Modification: Modify suggested color palettes by selecting alternative colors from the window color palette.

Workflow Efficiency:

  • Time-Saving: Streamlines the color selection process, saving designers valuable time.
  • User-Friendly: Simple interface with intuitive buttons for quick color palette generation and application.

How It Works:

  • Generate Colors: Click the “Generate” button to receive new suggested palettes.
  • Apply Changes: Apply the generated color palette to the design with the “Apply” button.
  • Text Input: Utilize the Chat GPT AI model by entering color preferences in the input box.
  • Color Modification: Easily modify suggested color palettes by selecting alternative colors.

AI Palette enhances the Figma design experience by infusing AI technology into the color palette creation process. Designers can enjoy a more streamlined workflow and effortlessly produce unique and diverse color palettes for their designs.

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