
Automate joining, recording, and note-taking with smart AI.

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More About Airgram

Airgram is an AI-powered meeting assistant designed to streamline meeting workflows. Key features and advantages include:

  • Compatibility: Works with popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams
  • Collaborative agenda: Develop and share meeting agendas in advance to keep everyone aligned
  • Integrated rich-text editor: Take notes, add text, bullet lists, images, and more during meetings
  • Action items: Assign tasks with due dates to ensure decisions are implemented
  • Recording and transcription: High-quality audio and video transcription in eight languages

Use cases for Airgram are ideal for various teams and professionals:

  • Remote teams seeking to improve collaboration and communication during meetings
  • Project managers looking to track action items and follow-ups efficiently
  • Businesses aiming to streamline their internal and client calls with seamless meeting management

Overall, Airgram offers a comprehensive solution for enhancing meeting productivity and collaboration, with recognition from G2, TechCrunch, and Product Hunt.

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