
AI assistant Albus helps create personalized content & designs in Slack.

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More About Albus

Albus is an AI-chatbot platform that utilizes the power of ChatGPT to assist HR employees and streamline HR operations. It is primarily designed to facilitate quick and efficient responses to employees’ questions through a personalized chatbot trained on your content from Google Drive, Notion, and 100 more.

Key Features

  1. Instant Answers: Albus provides instant answers to employees’ questions directly within Slack, saving time and increasing productivity.
  2. Streamlined Communication: Albus can handle routine questions, thereby streamlining internal communication and making it easier for employees to access information.
  3. Powerful Analytics: Albus offers a dashboard that provides valuable insights into how your team is using the chatbot, including frequently asked questions and most accessed documents.
  4. Security: Albus is ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and SOC 2 certified, and complies with CCPA and GDPR. It employs state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols.

Use Cases

Albus is being used by over 9,500 organizations and has helped 20000+ employees save time daily. It is particularly useful for HR teams, as it can help create customized job descriptions, policy elements, and even provide information on current trends in engagement and labor law. It also integrates seamlessly into existing workflows, particularly within Slack, thus eliminating the need for switching between applications.


Users have praised Albus for its efficiency, ease of use, and ability to integrate into their workflows. It has been particularly lauded for its ability to provide instant, relevant answers and for the insights provided by its analytics feature.

Upcoming Updates

Albus will soon be available as a standalone, AI-powered knowledge bot for use directly in your browser. Users can join the waitlist to get beta access.

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