
Change your voice to any of our custom curated voices for professional performances.

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More About Altered

Altered Studio is a professional AI voice changing software trusted by major media studios. Key features and advantages include:

  • AI voice alteration: Transform your voice into any AI voice from a curated portfolio or custom voices
  • Industry trust: Used by renowned studios such as Rebound Sound Company, Rev Rooms, Gimlet, and more
  • Enhanced user experience: Utilizes cookies to analyze data, provide social media features, and customize content

Use cases for Altered Studio cater to various audio production needs:

  • Voice actors seeking to create compelling voice performances with diverse AI voices
  • Media studios aiming to enhance audio production with AI-driven voice alteration
  • Content creators looking to add engaging and unique voiceovers to their projects

Overall, Altered Studio offers a powerful solution for creating captivating voice performances using advanced AI voice changing technology.

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