Ana by TextQL

Simplifies data analysis, allowing users to uncover insights, summarize findings, and create visualizations without coding.

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Ana by TextQL

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More About Ana by TextQL

Meet Ana, your personal virtual data analyst powered by AI. Ana makes data analysis accessible and efficient, freeing you from the complexities of coding and unleashing the power of your data.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Effortless Data Analysis: Ana simplifies data analysis. No need to write code; just upload your .CSV files and ask questions in plain English.
  2. Instant Insights: Ana delivers near-instant insights and visualizations, helping you quickly understand your data and make informed decisions.
  3. Privacy-First: Your data is yours alone. Ana never sells, shares, or monetizes your files and conversations. Enjoy enterprise-grade security with advanced data encryption.
  4. User Control: You’re in charge. Permanently delete chats and files as needed, giving you complete control over your data.
  5. Versatile Applications: Whether you’re tracking sales trends, fine-tuning marketing campaigns, or seeking in-depth business insights, Ana has you covered.

User Benefits:

  • Data Accessibility: Ana brings data analysis to everyone, regardless of coding expertise.
  • Time Efficiency: Get instant insights and visualizations, saving you valuable time.
  • Privacy Assurance: Your data remains private and secure at all times.
  • User Control: Delete data when you want, ensuring you’re always in control.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Use Ana’s insights to make informed decisions that drive business success.


Ana by TextQL is your trusted virtual data analyst. It simplifies data analysis, making it accessible to all without the need for coding. Ana provides instant insights, ensures data privacy, and puts you in control of your data. Uncover hidden insights and drive success with Ana by your side!

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