
ChatGPT trained on your Notion Pages

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More About AskNotion

AskNotion is a chatbot tool that allows users to create ChatGPT-like chatbots trained on their Notion pages without coding. Key features and advantages include:

  • No coding required: Easily create chatbots based on Notion pages
  • Unlimited syncs: Sync as many Notion pages as desired without limits
  • Affordable pricing: Starter package at $9.99 per month per user with a 5-day risk-free trial
  • Token allowance: Up to 300k tokens for AI-powered Notion page chats
  • Multiple chat sessions: Create up to 1,000 simultaneous chatbot conversations

Use cases for AskNotion are ideal for various professionals:

  • Businesses seeking to automate customer service operations
  • Individuals looking to manage their workflows efficiently
  • Teams in need of a user-friendly interface for quick chatbot creation

Overall, AskNotion offers a simple and efficient solution for creating personalized chatbots based on Notion pages.

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