
Make Competitive analysis 5x faster

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More About Askpot

Askpot is a competitive analysis tool designed to make the process 5x faster. It collects and extracts valuable information from the page content of a product or service, providing insights that are usually obtained manually.


  • Analyzes content of product or service page and extracts Unique Value Proposition, Audience, Positioning and many more.
  • Speeds up the process of competitive analysis, making it 5x faster.
  • Exports results to csv, allowing you to combine them into a single spreadsheet for easier comparison.
  • Accurate results – Askpot prides itself on delivering accurate results with advanced algorithms and smart query optimization.

Use Cases

Askpot is suitable for both data analysts and non-technical users. Non-technical managers can independently retrieve the data they need without relying on IT support or data experts.

To start using Askpot, users simply need to sign up for an account on their website. Once connected, they can start using the service.

Askpot is committed to continuously enhancing their system’s accuracy and performance to ensure the data retrieved from sites is precise and reliable.

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