Atomic AI

AI-driven RNA drug discovery, with atomic precision.

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Atomic AI

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More About Atomic AI

Atomic AI is a company that specializes in AI-driven RNA drug discovery with atomic precision. They are at the forefront of combining machine learning and structural biology to revolutionize RNA drug discovery.

Key Features:

  • Machine Learning and Structural Biology Fusion: Atomic AI combines these two fields to enhance RNA drug discovery.
  • Proprietary Platform: Atomic AI has developed a proprietary platform that utilizes deep learning foundation models. This platform is used to discover and design RNA-targeted small molecules, RNA-based medicines, and RNA tools.

Use Cases:

  • RNA-targeted Small Molecule Discovery: Their platform can be used to discover new small molecules targeted at RNA.
  • RNA-based Medicines: The platform can also be used to design new RNA-based medicines.
  • RNA Tools: Atomic AI’s platform can also generate tools for working with RNA.
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