
AI-powered music search engine with a global database of over 200 million songs.

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More About Audioatlas

Audioatlas is a game-changing music search engine powered by advanced Artificial Intelligence. With a vast global database of over 200 million songs, it’s your one-stop destination for finding and licensing the perfect music for any purpose.

Key Features and Capabilities:

  • Natural Language Search: Audioatlas offers a unique and intuitive natural language music search experience. Simply describe your music needs, and let the AI do the rest.
  • Extensive Music Library: With access to millions of songs from around the world, you’re sure to find the right track to match your project or mood.
  • User-Friendly: The tool is designed for ease of use, making it accessible to anyone, from music enthusiasts to professionals.
  • Licensing Made Easy: Audioatlas streamlines the music licensing process, ensuring you can legally use the music you discover without copyright worries.

User Benefits:

  • Efficiency: Find the perfect music quickly and effortlessly.
  • Variety: Explore a vast and diverse selection of songs from different genres and cultures.
  • Legal Assurance: Obtain the necessary rights to use the music for your specific purposes.
  • Ease of Use: Enjoy a user-friendly interface that simplifies the music search process.


Audioatlas is your AI-powered music companion with a mission to simplify the music search and licensing process. Whether you need music for personal enjoyment, professional projects, or commercial use, this platform offers a comprehensive selection and user-friendly experience. Say goodbye to tedious searches and copyright concerns with Audioatlas.

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