
BeyondWords is a text-to-speech publishing platform that empowers users to convert text into engaging audio

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More About BeyondWords

BeyondWords is a cutting-edge text-to-speech publishing platform that revolutionizes the way content is consumed. With its library of AI voices and advanced voice-cloning technology, BeyondWords allows users and their teams to transform written text into captivating audio.

Key Features:

  1. AI Voices and Voice-Cloning: Utilize a library of AI voices and advanced voice-cloning technology for custom audio creation.
  2. All-in-One Audio CMS: Automate, manage, and optimize audio content with an integrated content management system.
  3. Various Conversion Options: Auto-convert content using API, RSS Feed Importer, WordPress plugin, or Ghost plugin.
  4. Text-to-Speech Editor: Create audio manually with full control over tone and style.
  5. Seamless Distribution: Embed automatic audio players, use API or SDKs, or publish as a podcast.
  6. Monetization Options: Include audio ads from sponsors or offer exclusive content for subscribers.
  7. Analytics and Integration: Measure audio engagement with detailed analytics and connect to Google Analytics.

Use Cases:

  • Content Creators: Enhance content reach and engagement by converting written content into audio format.
  • Businesses and Marketers: Drive revenue and brand engagement with custom audio content and sponsor ads.
  • Podcasters: Easily publish and distribute audio content to attract a broader audience.

BeyondWords empowers users to create captivating audio content that resonates with their target audience. With its powerful features and analytical insights, BeyondWords is a game-changer in the world of text-to-speech publishing platforms.

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