Call My Link

Record, transcribe, summarize and share video calls

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Call My Link

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More About Call My Link

It provides a personal conference URL for video and audio calls, which can be recorded and played back by both Stork and non-Stork users directly from the web.

Key Features:

  • Recording and playback: Record and play back video and audio calls with ease.
  • Transcription and PDF creation: Conferences are transcribed into PDFs for easy reference.
  • AI-generated summaries: Access AI-generated summaries for a quick overview of conference calls.
  • Easy sharing: Share recorded calls, transcripts, and summaries with non-Stork users effortlessly.

Use Cases:

• Enhance team communication and collaboration with advanced video-conferencing features.

• Capture and review important discussions and decisions through recorded calls and transcripts.

• Obtain quick insights with AI-generated summaries of conference calls.

• Share recordings, transcripts, and summaries easily with team members and external stakeholders.

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