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More About Casetext

Casetext is a legal AI company offering CoCounsel, a cutting-edge AI legal assistant designed to enhance lawyers’ efficiency. Key features and advantages include:

  • Critical task automation: Perform document review, legal research memos, deposition preparation, and contract analysis in minutes
  • Quick answers: Input an issue and receive a complete answer with supporting sources in seconds
  • Contract analysis: Identify critical documents, key information, and recommend revisions

Use cases for Casetext are ideal for various legal professionals:

  • Law firms seeking to improve efficiency and effectiveness in their practice
  • In-house legal departments aiming to streamline their legal research and contract analysis
  • Solo and small practices looking to leverage AI technology for a competitive edge

Overall, Casetext’s CoCounsel is a reliable and innovative AI solution that empowers lawyers to provide higher-quality, more efficient, and more affordable representation.

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