Chat | Cohere

Chat with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) integrates inputs, sources, and models to build more powerful product experiences.

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Chat | Cohere

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More About Chat | Cohere

Cohere’s Chat with RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)


  • Conversational Knowledge Assistants: Create assistants to automate tasks and provide grounded answers to questions through natural interactions and connections to data.
  • Customer Support: Provide immediate answers from knowledge bases to support agents and engage customers with prompt resolutions for complex escalations.
  • Learning apps: Deliver dynamic and personalized learning experiences with interactive lessons, quizzes, and feedback based on evolving user profiles.
  • Conversation is the new interface: Chat understands the intent behind messages, remembers conversation history, and responds intelligently through multi-turn conversations. Responses are powered by Cohere’s Command model.
  • Retrieve your knowledge base: Connect your model with web search and important data sources to improve the relevancy and accuracy of chat responses. Command is trained to optimize for RAG accuracy, including determining relevant information from multiple data sources.
  • Reduce hallucinations with grounding, citations: Reduce hallucinations and create trust between generated responses and users with citations to understand where responses are coming from. Command is trained to answer questions from additional sources.
  • Keep your data private: When privately deployed, the training data, input prompts, and output responses stay private and don’t leave your secure environment.
  • Simple APIs, powerful results: No matter your level of experience with ML/AI, Cohere’s Command model makes it easy to build chat interfaces in your applications.

Use Cases:

  • Conversational Knowledge Assistants: Automate tasks and provide grounded answers to questions.
  • Customer Support: Provide immediate answers from knowledge bases to support agents and engage customers.
  • Learning Apps: Deliver dynamic and personalized learning experiences with interactive lessons, quizzes, and feedback.

Getting Started:

  • Users can get started by acquiring an API key and trying it via the Coral Showcase. The Coral Showcase is Cohere’s demo environment to preview Coral’s latest enterprise chat capabilities.
  • Users can also explore Cohere’s documentation and articles, or build their own demo.


  • Users can contact Cohere to discuss how chat can help transform their products. They can also follow Cohere on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Discord, or contact them via email.
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