
Design effortlessly with Coated's AI-powered software, offering professional-grade designs tailored to your preferences.

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More About Coated

Coated’s AI-powered software offers a personalized and professional-grade interior design experience, making the design process effortless for users.

Key Features:

  • Personalized design suggestions: AI-generated personalized suggestions for furniture placement, color combinations, and decor styles.
  • Real-time design visualization: Visualize your design concepts in 3D, making it easy to understand how your space will look before making any changes.
  • Shopping list generation: Generates a shopping list complete with brand, cost, and an option to directly purchase the products.

Use Cases:

  • Efficient and reliable tool: Ideal for professional and amateur designers who want to create unique, personalized spaces.
  • Subscription-based service: Coated offers a beta version for users to test the tool before committing to a subscription.
  • Wide range of design options: Provides a wide range of design options, including modern, rustic, traditional, or any other style that suits your preferences.
  • Coated’s AI-powered engine, user-friendly interface, and efficient design process make it a reliable tool for users looking to create unique and personalized spaces.
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