Commander GPT

Streamline Your GPT Usage on Desktop - Quick and Effortlessly

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Commander GPT

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More About Commander GPT

Commander GPT is a desktop application designed to enhance your AI experience by providing a simple yet powerful command interface for accessing ChatGPT without leaving your keyboard. It is available for both Mac and PC.


  • Chat: Access GPT using a simple command, on top of any app you’re using.
  • Generate images: Create images at the click of a button using OpenAI’s Dall-E model.
  • Translate: Select a language and Commander GPT will translate any text you select using GPT.
  • YouTube videos: Provide the URL of a YouTube video and Commander will answer any questions you ask based on the transcript.

Workflow Enhancements

  • Work faster: Commander GPT opens in front of all other windows, allowing you to use it without interrupting your workflow.
  • Access with a single command: Use Command+Shift+G to open Commander GPT, type your command, and press enter.
  • View your history: Commander GPT keeps a local history of all your sessions.
  • Customize your assistant: Pass custom system prompts to GPT and change the way it responds to you.
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