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More About Contentally

Contentelly is an innovative AI-powered tool that excels in generating expert content to help individuals establish themselves as thought leaders within their industry. It scans trending news from across the globe and transforms it into posts suitable for various social media platforms, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and blogs, all with a single click.

Key Features:

  1. Multi-Language Support: With support for over 27 languages, users can tailor their content to resonate with diverse audiences.
  2. Time and Effort Saver: By monitoring top media resources and providing up-to-date content, Contentelly significantly reduces the time and effort needed to create engaging content.
  3. User-Friendly Editing: Users can select relevant news, edit the text, and define the tone of voice for their posts within the tool’s user-friendly platform.
  4. Category Search Feature: Regularly updates users with the latest news on a wide range of topics, such as Science, Technology, or Business, helping them stay informed about industry trends.


  • Increases productivity by reducing the time spent creating posts by up to 70%.
  • Enables users to devise a content plan for an entire week within just 30 minutes.
  • Assists users in sharing insights, connecting with others, and boosting their personal brand by creating high-quality content in a shorter amount of time.

Overall, Contentelly is a highly efficient tool that empowers users to generate expert content quickly and effortlessly.

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