
Create realistic images from text, combining concepts and styles.

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More About DallE-2

OpenAI’s DALL·E 2 is an AI system designed to create realistic images and art from natural language descriptions. Key features and advantages include:

  • Enhanced resolution: 4x greater resolution compared to DALL·E 1
  • Image generation: Create original, realistic images and art from text descriptions, and edit existing images with natural language captions
  • Variations and creativity: Generate different variations of images inspired by the original
  • Safety mitigations: Limited dataset training and monitoring systems to prevent misuse

Use cases for DALL·E 2 are ideal for various individuals and industries:

  • Designers and artists seeking AI-generated inspiration and creative expression
  • Content creators looking to generate unique visuals based on textual descriptions
  • Researchers exploring advanced AI systems and their understanding of the world

OpenAI’s DALL·E 2 aims to empower creative expression and provide insights into AI perception, now available in beta.

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