
Build and launch AI apps rapidly on your own

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More About Databutton

Databutton has recently raised a $5.1M seed round. It is a platform designed for building and launching AI apps rapidly without the need for a development team. The company’s tagline is “Prompting is the new programming”, emphasizing their user-friendly approach to app development.

Key Features

  • Ease of Use: Databutton allows users to turn their AI app ideas into reality quickly and easily. Even those with little or no coding experience can create AI apps in no time.
  • Powerful Tools: Users have access to some of the best AI tools in the industry, allowing them to build full-stack apps on the cloud.
  • Community Support: Databutton has a Discord community of AI enthusiasts and dreamers, where users can connect, share ideas, and get help.

Use Cases

  • Chris Wright, Founder at Fifty Five and Five, uses Databutton to rapidly turn his fully formed ideas into apps.
  • Fernand Roovers, Digital Employee Experience Manager at Teleperformance, finds it incredible to create AI apps in no time, despite having little or no coding experience.
  • Ramsri Goutham Golla, Founder at &, considers Databutton as the perfect platform to build full-stack apps on the cloud.
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