
Grow your business with automated Facebook groups monitoring & outreach

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More About Devi

Devi is an automated tool for monitoring keywords across social media platforms, utilizing ChatGPT for efficient outreach. Key features and advantages include:

  • Automated monitoring: Tracks Facebook groups, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Reddit for high-intent leads
  • Time-saving: Saves users at least 160 hours per month while increasing revenue
  • Browser extension: Works 24/7 to monitor alerts and detect relevant posts
  • Private group support: Monitors private Facebook groups to access highly-curated audiences

Use cases for Devi are ideal for various businesses:

  • Sales and marketing teams seeking to identify and engage with high-intent leads
  • Customer support professionals aiming to educate and support their audience
  • Businesses looking to increase revenue with an affordable, time-saving tool

Overall, Devi offers a comprehensive solution for monitoring social media platforms, trusted by over 1000 companies, and provides a 14-day free trial without requiring credit card information.

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