Drafthorse AI

Drafthorse AI is a programmatic SEO writing tool tailored for brands and niche site owners

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Drafthorse AI

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More About Drafthorse AI

Drafthorse AI introduces a game-changing solution for brands and niche site owners seeking efficient SEO content creation. This programmatic SEO writing tool enables users to streamline their content creation process by generating SEO-optimized articles based on provided target keywords.

Key Features:

  • Keyword-Driven Article Generation: Users upload a list of target keywords, and Drafthorse AI promptly generates articles optimized for SEO within minutes.
  • Various Download Formats: The generated articles can be downloaded in formats such as txt, html, and markdown, catering to different publishing platforms.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Drafthorse AI offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface that allows users to seamlessly input keywords, generate content, and export it for use.
  • Multilingual Support: Supporting over 100 languages, the tool accommodates diverse users worldwide, ensuring global accessibility and relevance.

Pricing Options:

  • Free Plan: Limited features for basic needs.
  • Tiered Plans: Offered for hobbyists, starters, professionals, and businesses, varying in the number of keywords available per month.
  • Pay-As-You-Go: Users can access all features for a fixed price per keyword, catering to custom content needs.
  • Flexible Pricing: Users pay only for the services they require, preventing unnecessary costs.

Additional Features:

  • API Access: Available in higher-tier plans, allowing users to integrate Drafthorse AI seamlessly into their workflow.
  • Premium Customer Support: Higher-tier plans provide enhanced support for users’ inquiries and concerns.
  • Customizable Pricing: Tailored pricing for high-volume usage, ensuring scalability and affordability.

In summary, Drafthorse AI is a transformative tool for efficient SEO content creation. By leveraging target keywords, users can obtain SEO-optimized articles swiftly, empowering them to bolster their online presence. With its diverse language support, user-friendly interface, multiple download formats, and flexible pricing options, Drafthorse AI caters to the needs of brands and niche site owners seeking impactful and SEO-optimized content creation.

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