First Line GPT

Send 3000+ Personalized emails to your Prospects

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First Line GPT

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More About First Line GPT

Why squander $100s on hyper-personalized lines when you can spend a fraction on semi-personalization at scale if you have a better alternative with First Line GPT


  • Send 3,000 personalized emails per month for only $49
  • Semi-personalization at scale
  • Easily upload and map your fields (currently only supports LinkedIn)
  • 99% success rate in generating first lines
  • No need to double-check; first lines come ready to use
  • Advanced Chat GPT prompts and processes for generating first lines
  • Unlimited credit roll over (doesn’t expire)
  • Unlimited projects

Use Cases:

  • Increase open rates by almost double with personalized first lines
  • Boost reply rates by 60% with personalized first lines
  • Improve sales opportunities by an estimated 30% with personalized first lines

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