
Synthetic Data Platform for Test Data Automation

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More About GenRocket

GenRocket is the solution you need for test data automation. It’s a synthetic data platform that’s versatile, cost-effective, and designed to smoothly integrate with diverse test environments.

Key Features:

  • Enterprise-Class Scalability: GenRocket empowers the rapid deployment of synthetic data across your enterprise. It offers centralized data modeling and distributed self-service, making it a scalable solution.
  • Dynamic Data: Say goodbye to static, copied production data. GenRocket provides dynamic synthetic data that adapts in real time to your application under test.
  • CI/CD Integration: No matter your preferred test automation tools, frameworks, or virtual test environments, GenRocket can seamlessly integrate with them. Plus, it supports synthetic data generation at any volume.
  • Value for Money: GenRocket is all about savings. With 100 scrum teams, you can potentially save up to $1 million in labor costs, achieving a remarkable 1,000% ROI.

Use Cases:

GenRocket is trusted by over 50 companies from the Forbes Global 2000. It’s a go-to solution for sectors like Financial Services, Health Care, Insurance, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Advertising Software, Transportation, Banking, and Retail.

Customer Benefits:

Customers who’ve adopted GenRocket have experienced impressive benefits. These include significant cycle time reductions and expanded coverage for system integration testing (SIT) and performance. Imagine reducing cycle time by 1400 hours and boosting SIT and performance coverage from 30% to 80%.

Additional Information:

GenRocket holds the distinction of being awarded US patent #9,552,266 B2 for its systems and methods for test data generation. Moreover, it comes highly recommended by the world’s top global systems integrators. It’s the solution that delivers both innovation and reliability.

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