
Gestualy is an AI-powered gesture recognition system that allows businesses to measure customer satisfaction in seconds without the need for surveys.

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More About Gestualy

Gestualy is an innovative AI-powered gesture recognition system designed to help businesses gather valuable insights about customer satisfaction quickly and efficiently. It utilizes advanced machine learning techniques to accurately detect and analyze up to 500 different gestures that express various emotions.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Powered Gesture Recognition: Gestualy employs advanced machine learning techniques to accurately detect and analyze up to 500 different gestures expressing various emotions.
  2. Contactless and Efficient: Customers can provide feedback without the need for surveys or physical touch, improving convenience and minimizing barriers to participation.
  3. Real-Time Feedback: Immediate alerts and notifications allow businesses to address any issues promptly and ensure a positive customer experience.
  4. Platform Compatibility: Gestualy is compatible with Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems, enabling businesses to use it on a wide range of devices.

Use Cases:

  • Retail Stores: Measure customer satisfaction levels and gather real-time feedback on the shopping experience.
  • Restaurants and Hospitality: Obtain insights into customer satisfaction with food, service, and overall dining experience.
  • Event Venues: Evaluate attendee reactions and satisfaction during conferences, concerts, or other live events.
  • Service Providers: Gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement in various service-based industries.

Gestualy offers businesses a powerful tool to gather customer feedback and measure satisfaction levels effortlessly.

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