
Unlock the full potential of your audio data with AI transcription, translation and audio intelligence add-ons using a single API.

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More About Gladia

Gladia is an AI-powered tool that offers audio transcription, translation, and audio intelligence add-ons, all accessible through a single API. It helps businesses unlock the full potential of their audio data by providing fast and accurate ways to convert raw enterprise data into valuable business knowledge.

Key Features:

  1. AI Transcription: Provides highly accurate audio and video transcription for various use cases, inclusive of speaker diarization.
  2. Audio Intelligence API: Captures, enriches, and leverages hidden insight in audio data, allowing analysis, transcription, translation, and security of audio data within a single platform.
  3. Add-On Features: Includes a library of audio intelligence add-ons like word-level timestamp, sentiment analysis, and summarization.
  4. All-Developer Compatibility: The API is built for all developers and is compatible with all tech stacks, with no AI expertise or setup costs required.
  5. Data Security: Ensures 100% safety of all data in accordance with EU and US privacy regulations.
  6. Scalability: Pay-as-you-go scalability to meet growing demands.


  • Transform raw enterprise data into valuable business knowledge.
  • Access highly accurate audio and video transcription services.
  • Uncover hidden insights in audio data using the Audio Intelligence API.
  • Enhance transcription data with additional features like sentiment analysis.
  • Easily integrate the API with any tech stack, requiring no AI expertise.
  • Secure your data with stringent EU and US privacy regulations.

Additional Features:

Gladia can be utilized in virtual meetings, workspace collaboration, content and media, and call centers, providing insight-based call transcripts to enhance customer experience and compliance.

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